Thursday, August 7, 2014

Catching up...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while...been a lot happening! Todd's Daughter got married the same day as the Portland Highland Games, so we were not present, but the Clan tent was! We went over on Friday night to pitch the tent and set up for the next day, Tammy Soto and her family manned the tent Saturday and we came by at the end of the day to tear down. Tammy said she got some photos, so as soon as she gets them to me I will share.

I will also post a few pics from the wedding...Todd bought the bride and groom a nice bit of Clan Donald Tartan...we got the bride to don it for a few pics. They also had a bit of a caber toss after the reception and we got pics of the bride (in her gown) making a toss!

We have also been down with the nasty bug that has been going around...on top of the high temps, has not been a whole lot of fun around here...sigh.

High Desert Festival has been Cancelled this year, they say that they will be back next year though! Which means that we get a chance to go to the Whidbey Island Games this year. I will post pics if we get some...

Hope you are staying cool!
