Tuesday, August 27, 2013

High Desert Celtic Festival - Todd

Clan Donald attended the 2013 High Desert Celtic Highlander Festival location at the Deschutes County Fair and Expo.


Great conversation and support with Mike McCormick, Ginger, William Wallace and other assorted visitors to our Donald Tent.


Definitely Celtic spirit was flowing in music and drink. I personally attended the evening Ceili to hear Tara Amadam and got to play a few tunes. Fearless Ale sponsored the beer tent with some whiskeys of various kinds. Darkness soon entailed us all as dancing and music continued into the sliver of a moonlit night. A real close old ways gathering full of well-dressed Celts and poets and jesters.


Band breaks of wicked sorts of tattoos, breasts, knobby knees contests. All in good fun as we retired to the grounds to sleep in our tents. A very wonderful scent upon waking of juniper and sage.

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