Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Busy, Busy...

Hello again, things are hopping around here. We just got back from the All Clans Banquet this last week end, I will have a post with pictures soon. We went up early and helped with last minute prep and of course, set up. We had a good turn out for the event. If you haven't been...join us next year...we have lot's of fun!

Ivan MacKillip, who has been a Eugene convener, has accepted the post of State Chaplain. Watch for a post soon on that also.

Sharon Goff, the Idaho State Commissioner, did the Celtic Festival and Clan Gathering in La Grande, OR this year. I do have pictures to post for that event. She had so much fun that she has agreed to do it again next year! Along with the Athena Caledonian Games. This is a real help for us, as we have trouble making each event in the State...we can get spread a little thin sometimes.

And we as a Region, made every event in the Region this year! Go us!

We also have big news about the PNW Region...I will be posting on that also.

I am busy getting the Signal ready to go out...we have held it back because of the big news mentioned above.

I am also trying to get some artwork done for setting up our own Café Press store...this will not hold the Regional & National items that we sell at the Clan Tents. We are working on getting an online presence for those items, but the National folk move slowly. We will have new items in our store...geared for our Region. I will post when I have got it up and running and will add a link to it for ease of use.

And now back to work I go...


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