Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Douglas County Highland Games

Unfortunately, we did not have our camera with us this no pictures. But we had fun! Our favorite Irishman was there, doing his great shows...he really knows how to draw a crowd!

They did something different this year, they mingled the vendors in with the clans, which meant we could actually interact with them, they moved the small stage up in the center of the clan area. This meant we could actually see the entertainment as well as hear them! Made our days much nicer.

We thoroughly enjoyed the after hours party at the Mexican restaurant up the way...very good food by the way...and gathering in the parking lot afterwards to sing 'Clan Tent Cavaliers' was a hoot! I had never heard this song before and was lucky enough to find a Men of Worth CD at the Scottish Shop tent before we left. You should give it a listen!


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